First of all, I want to thank all of you for subscribing to this “Stack.” I could have never imagined the experiment I came up with during the Fall of 2023 would grow to over 5,000 subscribers. While I haven’t been able to respond to all of your comments, I truly appreciate all of them. Doing a daily Substack that follows the executive branch of our government has been educational and eye-opening, especially when I’ve witnessed just how much of what a president and the administration do goes unreported in the news.
So here we are, ten days away from the inauguration of a new (old) president. Many of you have asked if I will continue, and as I stated in a post just after the election, I plan to continue. The name will change, but the format will be exactly the same. It is important to summarize accurately what the Trump administration will be doing on a daily basis, just as I have done with President Biden. I’m positive the contrasts in their approach to government will be stark and immediate. This makes what I do even more important in an effort to separate fact from what we can all imagine will be plenty of “news fiction.”
As of noon on January 20th, 2025, Donald Trump will be officially inaugurated as President of the United States. As I did with President Biden, Trump will be afforded the executive title in the daily posts. However, as I have done in the past, I will not offer personal or subjective commentary in the daily summaries. The title will change to What Did Donald Trump Do Today?, but I will keep all of the Biden links intact for reference and comparison.
I understand if some of you want to unsubscribe after the inauguration, but I hope you’ll consider staying. We’re in for an unprecedented ride. It’s important now more than ever to see what the upcoming administration is really doing rather than what will be reported in the news and on social media.
George Cummings
I am so glad you will be continuing. It is very important to have this record, for the record. I feel sure your Substack following will grow.
Thank you so much for continuing this after the inauguration. I haven’t been able to watch tv news since I just don’t want to be assaulted with the sound of tRumps voice- but I do want to stay engaged and informed about what the administration is actually doing (or not doing). I really appreciate your work to give us a spin-free fact-based source of quality info. Thank you!!