I am so glad you will be continuing. It is very important to have this record, for the record. I feel sure your Substack following will grow.

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Thank you so much for continuing this after the inauguration. I haven’t been able to watch tv news since I just don’t want to be assaulted with the sound of tRumps voice- but I do want to stay engaged and informed about what the administration is actually doing (or not doing). I really appreciate your work to give us a spin-free fact-based source of quality info. Thank you!!

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Many thanks for continuing this crucial work.

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I am wondering if you will have a competing blog titled "What Trump Didn't Do Today"? Your coverage has been illuminating and instructional. The entire country should receive it, and schools should subscribe, making it available to students at all levels. I've never understood why, when the networks have been using the "people's airwaves" all these years, the federal government does not require a news segment that reports on and promotes its accomplishments, and make commercials, as well. One thing that would mitigate the goofy disinformation and hatemongering on broadcast TV and radio (then apply it to the Internet) would be the reestablishment of the "Fairness Doctrine," a handy little proviso done away with by the father of benighted boobs, Ronald Reagan and his protomagas. May America survive. ¡Ojalá! . . .

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Thank you for continuing your Substack. I’ll stick with and continue recommending you to others.

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I’m glad you’re saving the links to Biden for comparison. I appreciate your, “just the facts, ma’am” approach. We need to know this going forward, but we don’t need the breathless media hype and photos. Thanks for staying with it.🙏

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Please do continue. There is so much that goes unreported.

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